Our History
Zion Lutheran School was established in 1851 as a branch school of Immanuel
Lutheran Church in St. Charles, only two years after Immanuel was established.
Those early Lutherans demonstrate the commitment for Lutheran education through a Lutheran Day School. By 1884, the population in the Harvester (St. Charles) area grew enough to incorporate a separate congregation. It is then that Zion Lutheran Church opened it's doors for the first time.
Zion continued operating the school through the congregation. The church and school remained a rural parish throughout the first half of the twentieth century. As the Harvester area experienced growth with families moving to suburban St. Charles County, the school and congregation grew as well.
In 1983, Zion constructed a new ten-room school building as a culmination of several years of planning and funding. Enrollment of the school grew so rapidly in the mid 1980's the three former buildings were utilized to accommodate the growth in student population. Enrollment in the 1990's had steadily increased from 400 to 480 students.
During the 2001-2002 school year, Zion families celebrated the school’s 150th Anniversary. By the mid 2000's Zion’s facilities were rapidly changing as the newly remodeled Sonshine Center was dedicated in August, 2001 and now holds two preschool classrooms and two ELP classrooms.
The preparation for Phase I of “Building on God’s Blessings” continued throughout the summer of 2003. The members of Zion Lutheran Church and School celebrated the opening of our new Sanctuary on August 17, 2003. The Sanctuary was dedicated on December 21, 2003.
By 2012 Zion's school was busting at the seams and needed to expand once again. In the fall of 2014 Zion opened it's doors to the brand new Early childhood wing and commons. The wing houses both kindergarten classrooms along with 5 preschool classrooms.
As the demographics of the St. Charles area continue to change, we anticipate and plan for many changes at Zion Lutheran Church and School; however, one pledge remains constant and will not change. That is to provide a Christ-centered curriculum and program that assists students in their relationships with God, with others and with themselves. At Zion Lutheran School our mission is: Proclaiming Jesus as Savior, Serving Jesus as Lord.