Ephpheta Aftercare Program
A team of Zion members gather every Tuesday at one of Bethlehem's 3 after school care locations to lead the children in Bible activities, dinner, and fun.
This Week at EAC
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Our night started with preparing a meal for 37 children and 11 adults. Thank you to Mark Lekar, Rose Helmkamp, and Gloria Essig. Your monetary donations were greatly appreciated. The EAC numbers have increased. Thank you to the Action Team who prepared the pancakes, fresh fruit salad, sausage and potato hash browns. Again God provided!!
Last week the “Jesus Storybook Bible” lesson was on Ascension. Tonight we read the story about Pentecost. We divided the children into two groups: Younger children with Amy and Grace and Older Children with Jon, Mr. Brock, Seminarian Caleb, and me. It is exciting to introduce the third person of the Trinity - The Holy Spirit. The beautiful message was that God gives His Spirit for us to believe. In the words of the story, “And the wonderful news of Jesus spread. Like sparks from a fire. To villages. Towns, Cities.” This is what is happening here at Bethlehem Mission. More and more people are believing!!
After the story, and the meal, the children were given 3 activity choices: 1.Most of the children went outside for a quick kickball game which was followed by standing together and saying the Lord’s Prayer. 2. Some stayed inside and enjoyed the game Left, Right, Center. Those who played won a bag of Starburst candy. Small group to build relationships. 3. A group colored a beautiful art piece on the tongue of fire which was the sign of the Holy Spirit.
God was here tonight. God filled His Spirit in our hearts. God sent His Help. God’s Name is being proclaimed. This picture says it all.
Pure JOY!